Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Birthdays for Economic Savvy

Birthdays are the best. It's a time when people will gleefully take you out and fuss over you just because you were born. My birthday was on a Saturday this year and I didn't have to make any plans. Friends took me out to lunch, and my sisters took me out to dinner. My favorite part was when the check came and I didn't even have to look at it.

People fuss and fuss about getting older but they don't pay attention to what matters most - Getting free stuff!

So stop whining about your age or your whatever-life-crisis and let those who love you spoil you. That whole birthday thing only happens once a year.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Oodles of Noodles

If you have ever been broke, you know what I'm talking about. Sure they come in other brands, like Ramen. Nothing reminds me of how broke I am more than having an assortment of oodles of noodles in the kitchen. It's a damn shame when you start to get creative with the noodles. You know what I mean... Throwing veggies in there, adding other spices. I once made gumbo with the noodles; at least that's what I was trying to make.

But you know what? I like the noodles. They remind me of a time when life was as simple as watching cartoons. A time when my biggest money concern was whether I should buy a quarter water and a bag of chips with my last 50 cents, or a snickers bar.

So here's to shrimp and broccoli noodles (I mean shrimp flavored oodles of noodles with broccoli in it)... who the hell has money for shrimp?

Cheaper By the Hour

Many things that I used to spend money on seem pointless to me these days. I'm in shock when I realize just how careless I was with my money. Don't get me wrong: I'm still a broke ass student who has to forgo many things that I want. I'm just better able to determine what I need and make those purchases. I have noticed that I'm becoming cheaper and cheaper with each passing hour. I not only think twice about each and every purchase (from a fall jacket to gum), I think like 99 times about each and every purchase... ($1.59 for 12 pieces of gum?! I have mint flavored dental floss in my purse!)

Am I being too extreme? I feel like spending money is getting scarier and scarier. Am I creating some kind of psychological problem for myself? I sure hope not; therapists are expensive!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Broke N Thrifty

For the last month and a half, I've been cooking every single meal and spending less money buying food. This has been working very well for me. I always figured I just didn't have the time to cook, but when I hit a rough patch (I was broker than broke) I had to start cooking. When the rough patch was over, I continued cooking because I really enjoyed not spending a ton of money eating out.

Thursday, I ran out of groceries and would not have time to go to the market before the weekend. So I had to buy lunch. I went to a restaurant that I used to eat in 2 to 3 times a week before the rough patch. Lunch cost me just under $10. I wanted to cry. I know it's only ten bucks, but I thought about how I used to buy lunch every day and some days I bought dinner and breakfast too. Food is expensive! What was I thinking? No wonder I was extra broke! I'm still broke, but not like before when I couldn't imagine why I didn't have any extra spending money.

Now I browse the circulars and gladly clip coupons for my groceries. I don't even shop at the same super market every week. I also discovered that my cable service provider gives me 2 free movie tickets if I go to the movies on Tuesdays. I never thought I'd have time to see movies on a Tuesday... then again I never got free movie tickets before.

In any case, it's not as hard as I thought it was to be a broke ass student. I think I'll be able to manage after all.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Broke Ass goes Out

After paying my bills this week, I have exactly $21.45 to spend on entertainment over the weekend. If I weren't so used to being broke, this might alarm me. But there are so many things to do in NYC that don't have to break the bank. Here's how $21.45 got me through the weekend:
I saw a Matinee in the city. If you go to any AMC theater on Friday, Saturday or Sunday and see a show before noon, you only have to pay $6.00. Most of the times, I see shows that start between 11:45 and 11:55... I never was the early bird. Refreshments are for those with a pocket full of cash. I have breakfast before I leave my house. If I find I'm still in the mood for a snack, I purchase one at a normal price in a regular store and bring it with me (thank God for handbags). I get a $0.50 bag of French Onion sun chips (yum!) spend $1.00 on a can of coke.

After my movie, I'm down to $13.95. I decide to go for a stroll. There are so many parks in the city, that I decide to pick one and go there. Washington Square park is so much fun, what with all of the NYU students who constantly seem to be providing entertainment. I bring a book with me (because let's face it, I'm a nerd), just in case I'm not fond of the entertainment. I watch some guys with drums perform and even dance a little. I get some reading done and before I know it, 2 more hours have passed. I start to get hungry, so I know exactly where to go.

I go to China Town and get Vietnamese food - yes Vietnamese food. There are 3 Vietnamese restaurants on Baxter Street just off of Canal... All three of them are inexpensive and very very good. For $5.00 I can get a very decent meal. If I'm in the mood for soup, it's even cheaper. So I spend my $5.00 and tip the waiter $1.00, and leave very satisfied. I'm now down to $7.95 and the day is almost through.

If you read AM New York (a free newspaper), there are listings in the entertainment section of cool, free things to do. Often there are art shows at galleries that anyone and everyone is welcome to attend. That's the last bit of entertainment in my day. On my way home, I find a penny on the floor... those add up. I get home and have $7.96 left over. I decide to put it in my piggy bank (which is really an empty pickle jar), and I cook dinner. I don't have to worry about the rest of the weekend because I have errands to run and cleaning to do.

All in all, being broke can be tolerable and even a little amusing.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tuition: A dirty little word

After much stress upon stress upon stress, I have decided that NYU is just too damn expensive for my broke ass. I did also get into Baruch, which is a good school and no where near as expensive as NYU. I'll still be able complete my education, which is all that I really wanted. How can I possibly be mad about that.

It's kind of wierd... I feel like I'm letting so many people down by not going to NYU. Everyone was so excited that I got in. If anyone is disappointed, perhaps they can send a check to the bursar's office at NYU in my name.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tick Tock

So... school is supposed to start in a few weeks and tah dah! the money hasn't magically appeared. I've gone to the financial aid office a few times and thrown myself at their mercy, but alas it was to no avail. I haven't earned any more scholarships, but I'm still trying. Maybe I should sell blood? Or plasma? How much of that stuff will I have to sell before I can afford tuition? Will my iron deficieny work against me? Does anyone want to donate blood to me so that I can sell it? Non anemic blood please...